From what I've seen in the past, on twitter or because x, y or z is 18 years old
I recall.
The full and legal majority, is the age at which an individual is legally considered to be civilly capable and responsible, that is to say essentially the age from which he is able to engage by the bonds of a contract or some other legal, civic, civil and moral act.
in the vast majority of countries the age is set at 18
certain countries, American states, Canadian provinces, the age is set at 19-21 years old, so it is penally reprehensible (if the legal texts were applied as is) to disseminate adult content featuring people of 18 years old ( or 19, 20).
therefore the person shown or put in situation must BE OF ADULT, in accordance with the legislation of the country in which you reside,
the use of photo where the subject is not old of the age fixed to be of legal age, is considered as a misappropriation for child pornography (ephebophile and promotion-dissemination of juvenile pornography)
and morally, it is of a nameless limit,
I speak knowingly, I had used photos of a teenage model for the brother of Hunter Rowland and Jacob Sartorius, just to tease a bit and ...
I got stoned and put myself in order (and it's logical, my twitter should not welcome this kind of publication)
Since then I ask if there is interest for a star teeanager x, y or z and if the request does, I edit.
So stop fucking fucking naked kids or using pictures or minors and go and burn in hell
in addition to being hyper mercantile, you are immoral and deviant
and the excuse of 'I did not know' or 'he posts very ... photos on their networks', shut up, it is the excuse of the rapist who sees his fault on the victim
social networks, without being the deepweb, are far from being a paradise of moderations.
and hypersexualization is unfortunately commonplace, which, apart from contributing to complexity and descrmination, studies have shown that it does not over sell or increase an audience, it is more often than not an eye-catcher.
what we do must remain clean, and be a place of imagination, of the materialization of fantasies and dreams.
understandably, take care of yourself.
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